My works are my emotions, states of mind, memories. Just like landscapes, they are always reflections of our emotions and our longing. Landscapes too are filled with images of our mind and soul: The canvas of emptiness that the landscape fills.
Forms in these works emerge with their own vigour. The forms are telling a story, my story. Or maybe I want to be the presenter of this story. The stories can also be your stories.
Forms may emerge from landscapes, flowers or other figures. In the end they all represent my inner state of mind: My works incorporate the whole emotional spectrum of human being.
The colours in my pieces blend together like memories, illusions and changes in the mind and life of a human being. In the coloured shapes the viewer can see forms that transport him into his or her own experience and subconscious.
These pieces, however, have no story in them, only emotion. The middle ground between nonabstract and abstract forms resemble emotional states which shift fluidly and intertwine seamlessly. My aspiration is to express feelings, perceptions and tensions. Blending and separation.
The composition of colours in each piece is like a trip into my world, into my soul. Each time the viewer examines a work of mine, new layers can be seen. Invisible surfaces and translucent colours can be found acting as a mirror of the emotional world.
I see my works as relics of the mind which I have brought to the surfaces from the depths. They situate themselves on the border of reality and dream, where the line between real and surreal is difficult to perceive. This line is an important theme for me, something which I strive to study.
Each person can interpret colours and reflections according to his or her emotions. Our emotions and their reflections are real but also very unreal at the same time.
Melek Mazici
Spring 2010