Aras Seddigh's book Colony Vatos, published by Dante & Istakoz, unfolds as a narrative that occasionally drifts into the realm of artificial memories and surrealism. The story meanders through landscapes and atmospheres, mirroring the fragmented nature of the characters' experiences. These characters, caught between the blur of real and imagined recollections, strive to reshape and reimagine the legacy they've inherited from their society. In doing so, they endeavor to make visible the contours of a hypothetical new colony, one born from the tension between the past and an uncertain future.

Text and drawings: Aras Seddigh
Design: E S Kibele Yarman
Editor: Firdevs Ev
Proof Reading: Halil Atasever
Printing and Binding: A4 Printing
Paper Stock: 130 gsm Munken Lynx
Cover: 300 gsm Munken Lynx, with local lacquer and internal embossing.
Ed: 100, signed
Produced with the support of Galeri Nev Istanbul.

For purchase: 
January 21, 2025